Progressive Metal and the Power of 8-String Guitars

best 8 string guitar

Have you ever found yourself lost in the intricate, complex melodies of progressive metal? The genre, known for its technical proficiency and detailed compositions, often pushes the boundaries of traditional music.

A key element in this sound exploration is the 8-string guitar. This powerful instrument offers an extended range that allows musicians to experiment with lower, heavier tones.

Progressive Band Techniques

Progressive metal bands are not just about heavy riffs and pounding drums. They use advanced techniques to create a soundscape that sets them apart from other genres. Odd time signatures, complex chord progressions, and intricate solos are the norm.

The use of an 8-string guitar further expands their musical palette, offering a broader range of notes to play with. Ever heard a riff so low it made your heart pound?

Composition: Crafting the Progressive Metal Sound

Progressive metal compositions are akin to sonic tapestries, woven with threads of melody, rhythm, and harmony. The extended range of the 8-string guitar allows for more room to experiment. With the extra strings, guitarists can venture into the territory traditionally covered by bass guitars or even keyboards. Can you imagine the possibilities?

Gear for Metal: The Essentials

When it comes to gear, the 8-string guitar is only the beginning. Progressive metal also calls for high-gain amplifiers to produce that characteristic heavy tone. And let's not forget the myriad of effects pedals that add depth and dimension to the sound. From delay and reverb to distortion and overdrive, each pedal brings something unique to the table.

Progressive Rock 8-String: Pushing the Boundaries

The 8-string guitar is not exclusive to metal. Progressive rock musicians also utilize this instrument to expand their sound. With the additional strings, they can experiment with unconventional chord voicings and create textures that are simply not possible with a traditional 6-string guitar.

Multiscale Fanned-Fret Guitar: A New Perspective

The multiscale fanned-fret design is another innovation popular among 8-string guitarists. This unique design features frets that fan out across the fingerboard, providing a different scale length for each string. This results in improved intonation, tension, and comfort. Isn't it amazing how design can impact sound?

8-String-Focused Distortion Pedals: Harnessing the Power

A good distortion pedal is key to achieving that heavy, gritty tone synonymous with progressive metal. However, not all pedals are created equal. Some are designed specifically for 8-string guitars, with special attention paid to preserving the clarity of the lower notes. Ever wondered how your favorite guitarist gets that monstrous tone?

Amp Pairing for 8-String: Finding the Perfect Match

Just like a fine wine needs the right cheese, an 8-string guitar needs the right amp. High-gain amps work best, as they can handle the extended range without losing clarity. The right amp will make those low riffs sound powerful and defined, rather than muddy.

8-String Floating Tremolo: Dive Bombs and Beyond

Lastly, we can't talk about progressive metal without mentioning the floating tremolo. This device allows guitarists to change pitch rapidly, creating dramatic "dive bombs" or subtle vibrato effects. On an 8-string guitar, these techniques take on a new life, offering even more ways to express yourself musically.

Progressive Metal Tab Books: Unlocking the Secrets

Want to master the art of progressive metal? Tab books are an invaluable resource. These guides offer step-by-step instructions on how to play songs, complete with notations for all those intricate riffs and solos. It's like having a private lesson with your favorite band!

best 8 string guitar

FAQs: 8-String Guitars in Progressive Metal

What is Progressive Metal?

Progressive metal is a subgenre of heavy metal music that blends elements from progressive rock and heavy metal. It's known for its complex compositions, intricate playing techniques, and often uses unconventional song structures.

Why are 8-String Guitars used in Progressive Metal?

8-string guitars have a wider range than traditional 6-string guitars due to their additional lower strings. This allows musicians to play heavier, deeper tones and experiment with unique chord voicings, making them an ideal choice for the complexity of progressive metal.

Are 8-String Guitars harder to play?

While they require some adjustment, 8-string guitars are not necessarily harder to play than 6-string guitars. The extra strings offer more notes to work with, but the fundamental techniques remain the same. It's all about practice and familiarity.

What is a Multiscale Fanned-Fret Guitar?

A multiscale fanned-fret guitar features frets that fan out across the fingerboard, providing a different scale length for each string. This results in improved intonation, tension, and comfort. It can be particularly beneficial for 8-string guitars, enhancing their extended range.

What are Progressive Metal Tab Books?

Progressive metal tab books provide detailed tablature for songs in the genre. They break down all the intricate riffs, solos, and rhythms, making it easier for musicians to learn and play their favorite progressive metal tracks.

Can you use 8-String Guitars in other genres?

Absolutely! While they're popular in progressive metal, 8-string guitars can be used in any genre. They're found in jazz, ambient music, and even pop. The extra strings simply provide more musical options to explore.

What is a 8-String-Focused Distortion Pedal?

An 8-string-focused distortion pedal is designed to handle the extended range of 8-string guitars. It ensures that the lower notes remain clear and defined, even when heavily distorted.

How do you choose an Amp for an 8-String Guitar?

When pairing an amp with an 8-string guitar, it's important to choose one that can handle the instrument's extended range. High-gain amps are generally a good choice as they can produce the heavy tones associated with progressive metal without losing clarity.

What is a Floating Tremolo on an 8-String Guitar?

A floating tremolo is a device that allows guitarists to rapidly change pitch. On an 8-string guitar, it can be used to create dramatic effects, from deep "dive bombs" to subtle vibrato.

Can Progressive Metal be played on a 6-string guitar?

Yes, progressive metal can be played on a 6-string guitar. However, the extended range of 7 or 8-string guitars provides more scope for musical exploration and complexity, which is a hallmark of the genre.


In conclusion, progressive metal and 8-string guitars go hand in hand. The genre's complex compositions and advanced techniques blend perfectly with the extended range and versatility of this instrument.

So next time you listen to a progressive metal track, take a moment to appreciate the intricate dance between musician and instrument.

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