The Legendary Classic Fender Blackface Super Reverb Series

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From the resonating chords of a delta blues riff to the searing solos of rock and roll, the amplifier is the unsung hero that brings a guitar's voice to life. And among the pantheon of legendary amplifiers, the Fender Blackface Super Reverb series holds a place of honor. But what makes this classic amplifier so extraordinary?

Let's dive into the world of the Fender Blackface Super Reverb and discover why it's considered legendary in the music industry.

The Background

Picture this - it's 1963, and Fender releases the Blackface Super Reverb, an amp destined to become an icon. This 40-watt powerhouse, equipped with four 10" speakers, was not just an amplifier but a game-changer. It was an instrument in itself, capable of delivering a spectrum of tones from clean, transparent notes to gritty, saturated growls.

The Super Reverb's unique design was a breakthrough. It boasted two channels - normal and vibrato - each with two inputs, giving musicians a versatility that was previously unheard of. The black control plate, hence the name 'Blackface,' was not just a design element. It symbolized a shift in the sonic landscape of the time.

Why do these amps command such reverence? What's in the secret sauce? The answer lies in the circuitry. The Super Reverb utilized the AB763 circuit design, known for its robustness and pure tone. This design offered unmatched clarity and precision in sound, making it a favorite amongst blues and rock guitarists alike.

Imagine the effect of this on the music of the era. The Blackface Super Reverb provided the soundtrack to countless cultural moments during the mid-60s. It's as if this amplifier knew how to speak the language of the times, expressing the raw emotions of the era through its unique tonal qualities.

An Amp Like No Other

But the Blackface Super Reverb series wasn't just about the sound; it was also about feel and response. These amps had a tube-driven reverb and tremolo that added an extra layer of depth to the music. Have you ever wondered how those vintage records have such a warm, enveloping sound? That's the magic of the Fender Blackface Super Reverb at work.

Fast forward to 1967, and the era of the Blackface came to an end, making way for the 'silverface' cosmetics. But the legacy of the Blackface Super Reverb didn't fade away. It lived on in the music it helped create and in the hearts of musicians who had the privilege of playing through one of these beauties.

The Legend Continues

In recent years, Fender has tried to recapture this magic with the '65 Super Reverb reissue. Based on the classic 1965 Blackface circuitry, this reissue aims to deliver the legendary sound that we've heard on countless records.

So, why does the Fender Blackface Super Reverb series still reign supreme in the world of amplifiers? It's not just about the sound, the power, or the build quality. It's about the emotional connection that these amps create between the musician and their music. They are not just tools but partners in the creative process, helping musicians express their innermost feelings and ideas.

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What is the Fender Blackface Super Reverb amplifier?

A: The Fender Blackface Super Reverb is a legendary guitar amplifier series produced by Fender between 1963 and 1967. It's known for its unique sound, power, and design.

Why is it called "Blackface"?

A: It's called "Blackface" due to its black control plate, which was a significant design element during its production era.

What makes the Fender Blackface Super Reverb amplifier so special?

A: The Blackface Super Reverb stands out for its unique tonal qualities, versatility, and robustness. It utilized the AB763 circuit design, known for its pure tone and clarity, making it a favorite among many musicians.

What type of music is the Fender Blackface Super Reverb best suited for?

While versatile, the Fender Blackface Super Reverb is particularly beloved in blues and rock genres due to its ability to deliver everything from clean, transparent notes to gritty, saturated growls.

How many channels does the Fender Blackface Super Reverb have?

A: The Fender Blackface Super Reverb features two channels - normal and vibrato - each with two inputs, offering musicians a wide range of sonic possibilities.

What is the '65 Super Reverb reissue?

A: The '65 Super Reverb reissue is a more recent model by Fender that aims to recapture the classic sound of the original 1965 Blackface Super Reverb.

Are Fender Blackface Super Reverb amplifiers still available for purchase?

A: While the original Blackface Super Reverb amplifiers are no longer in production, you can find them in used or vintage gear markets. Fender also offers the '65 Super Reverb reissue model.

How does the tube-driven reverb and tremolo contribute to the sound of the Blackface Super Reverb?

A: The tube-driven reverb and tremolo of the Blackface Super Reverb add a layer of depth and warmth to the sound, contributing to its unique sonic character.

What is the power output of the Fender Blackface Super Reverb amplifier?

A: The Fender Blackface Super Reverb is a 40-watt amplifier, providing a powerful output that's suitable for various performance settings.

Did any famous musicians use the Fender Blackface Super Reverb?

A: Yes, many renowned musicians have used the Fender Blackface Super Reverb, including Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimi Hendrix, and Keith Richards, contributing to its legendary status.


In conclusion, the Fender Blackface Super Reverb is not just an amplifier; it's a part of music history. Its influence can be heard in countless songs and felt in countless hearts. It's a testament to Fender's innovative spirit and commitment to delivering quality products for musicians.

So, the next time you listen to a classic rock song or a soulful blues riff, take a moment to appreciate the unsung hero behind the sound - the legendary Fender Blackface Super Reverb series.

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